Wanna join in a fun thing….that’s free???  The Northumberland Rug Hookers, hosts (with help from area branches) of the 2025 Annual Conference will be holding a Hook Along!

What is a Hook Along, you may ask?  

If you’re a knitter or crocheter, you may have heard about a Knit Along or Crochet Along.  These are events, often online, where folks gather to work on a specific pattern.  They use their online time to chat about the pattern, colour choices, ask questions and generally get enthused about what they’re working on.  Collectively, these kinds of events are called Make Alongs (MAL).

We want to take that same energy and interest and put it into hooking a specific pattern: namely the Hippie Van that is featured in the logo for the 2025 Annual Conference “Peace, Love & Rug’n Roll”.  GO HERE TO GET A LINE DRAWING TO DOWNLOAD.  Feel free to adapt this design to suit your hooking style and skill.  There’s even a slightly less complex version available.

The mat above was hooked by Susan Hartwell, of the Northumberland Rug Hookers.  She enlarged the line drawing to 20”x20”.

Who is hosting this event?

One of the key components of any Make Along is the host - someone who is fun, and interesting and is great at sharing ideas….and we have none other than our own Wendie Scott Davis!  She will be your HAL-meister, facilitating the conversation and probably a few laughs along the way!  If you’ve ever taken a class with Wendie, you know there’s a lot of fun ahead.

When is the Hook Along?

A Make Along usually takes place over several weeks, and this Hook Along is no different.  The first session will be on Thursday January 16, and every 2nd Thursday until February 27.  7-8 pm.  Mark your calendars with the dates of each session:  January 16, January 30, February 13 and February 27.

What do you need to participate?

- the pattern - available HERE,

- the zoom link (which we will send out to all registrants), and

- hopefully a stash of bright and colourful materials for hooking!  If your stash is lacking, refer to the latest copy of the OHCG Quarterly Newsletter for info on vendors who can certainly help you out!

What if you hook much faster (or slower) than the other participants? 

Not to worry!  This is something where you will work at your own pace.  Some may finish the project in a nano second, while others may take a tad longer.

What if you don’t have the same colours or materials as the others?

That’s the beauty of a Hook Along:  everyone will bring their own interpretation of the pattern - we’re going to have a whack of projects that will all look so different.  In fact, we’ll be celebrating the differences.  So bring it on!

Is this a class or a workshop?

Nope!  This is just a chance to get together with other folks working on the same pattern.  There is no curriculum….but there is a strong chance you’ll learn something along the way.

Is it really FREE?

Yuppers.  This Hook Along will be available FREE to OHCG members who have paid their 2025 membership fee.  We don’t know how many folks will be interested, but please be aware that our Zoom license is limited to the first 100 attendees. 

How do you join in?

Simply send an email to ohcghookalong@gmail.com, expressing your interest to participate.  Make sure that you’ve paid your 2025 membership fee first, tho!

On the day of the first hook along, we’ll send all participants an email with the zoom link.  Click on that link at the appointed date/time and join in the fun!

What if I’m away when all this takes place?

That’s the beauty of doing this on-line!  As long as you have access to the internet, you can join in the fun from where ever you are….Sunny Florida?  A Cruise Ship? The Pyramids?  Just remember that this event is taking place at 7PM EST, so you’ll need to adjust for the time zone you’re in.

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